The Kestrel is a solution that brings together all the know-how and experience of many years of competition for the OA Composite team.
OA Composite has designed the wing's original, innovative geometry: polyhedral, with an inverted sweep, generous surface flaps for maximum control on landing, and optimized handling in slow flight, as well as accumulated control in small thermal phenomena. Degressive aileron chords optimize lift distribution (and BTW drag...) at high incidence, and enable demanding flight at minimum speed, with a smooth, gentle roll axis.
- Paiement sécurisé
- Livraison 24/48h
- Paiement 3X
- Wingspan-1493mm
- Length-947mm without spinner
- wing area-20,2dm2 Flying weight from 245g
- Wing loading-12.1
- Aspect ratio-10.9
Weight of parts :
Fuse 34g
Wing 97g
Stab 5.1g
End 5g
Settings :
ailerons 12mm down 8mm up (inv differential or at least symmetrical on start-up)
Flaps 10
mm down 7mm up Elevator +/- 7mm Rudder +/- 14mm
Speed mode Flap trailing edge aligned with top of fuselage section
Cruise mode Flaps and ailerons lowered by 1.5mm
Thermal mode / Floating flaps
6mm down ailerons 3.5 - 4mm down Flaples
Flaps 3mm down Ailerons 1mm down (negative SF possible) Landing Flaps to maximum, with ailerons if required, elevator 2mm down
CoG 60 to 62mm Motor: 1507 or 1806 ESC 20-30A
(25A seems a minimum for competition)
Propeller: 6x4, 7x4 up to 7x4.5
Recommended battery, from 2S 350 TATTU to ... 3S
- Span in meters : 1,50
- Type of aircraft kit : Kit to equip
- Material : Fiber / Composite