Battery mounting PCB for self-finishing, e.g. lithium ion batteries. Batteries can be connected in series sidy by sidy.
In 2S configuration, these batteries are perfectly suited to supply the receiving current.
Suitable for single-cell LiIon batteries size 18650 and 21700, see Accessories.
1 PCB "Compact" 18650 /21700 battery assembly, 1 shrink tube, 4 contact insulators and 4 vibration dampers.
Import equipment: Especially when used inside engine-driven aircraft, where stronger vibrations are possible, LiIon batteries should be mounted in April. So, for example, the M3 vibration damper kit, including screws for LiIon battery PCBs (item no. A86215) can be used (see Accessories.)
Information: Soldering should be carried out using a 100-watt soldering gun with a wide solder tip within a few seconds.