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OGIVE : The ogive is made of plastic and comes to rest on a groove machined in the aluminium blade holder to turn perfectly round. The ogive is fixed by a M2,5 screw on the clamp assembly.
BLADE HOLDER: Made of aluminum, its innovative Z shape allows the folding blades of the propeller to fold perfectly and "stick" to the fuselage. The fixing of the blades is carried out by an axis Ø 3mm free in rotation, stopped by a circlip. Their inter-axis is 42mm. The thickness of the blade foot must be 8mm (you can use either AERONAUT CAM-CARBON folding blades #0097234...... or TY1 folding blades #04376......).
CLAMP : Made of aluminium, it ensures a safe and easy fixing on the motor shaft Ø5,0mm by morse taper and collet.