MULTIPLEX offers you this excellent flight simulator, MULTIflight. All models have a very realistic flight behavior, which allows for borderline flight situations that you may face in reality, i.e. stalls, twists, etc.. The basic software can be downloaded for free at www.multiplex-rc.de/service/downloads/software.html. But this set comes with the PLUS version of the software, which brings you more models and scenery, and the possibility to modify parameters like wind strength and direction, thermals, lift. With the 6-channel SMART SX transmitter in 2.4GHz you can even fly real models. The range of the SMART SX is about 3 km.
This set comes with a real Multiplex Smart SX transmitter in mode 2 (left stick: engine, rudder - right stick: ailerons, elevator) and a Multiflight stick. Simply plug the stick into a USB socket on your PC. The transmitter communicates wirelessly with the PC via the stick.
For more details on the SMART SX, click on the image below: