IDS for servos : MKS HV 6130This IDS (Integrated Drive System) is a complete servo mounting and integrated control system.Ideal for installation for flaps and ailerons on all-composite gliders.Quality assembly from Servorahmen, delivered with several control lengths for a rigid, tight, and perfect installation.In addition, the servo head is taken up by a bearing, allowing for force take-up of the control, backlash-free operation, and improved servo longevity.
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This IDS assembly allows full integration of the complete control system under the wing skin, ensuring zero drag.
The connection between the servo and the control surface is made via a ready-made hard plastic controller. No cutting or gluing is required, which makes installation faster and more reproducible. 11 of these single rods are provided in each kit, ranging in length from 61 mm to 81 mm, spaced approximately 2 mm apart. These new IDS kits are labeled "Mono" because the push rod is a monolithic component, not an assembly of parts that can be separated.
Parts included in this Mono IDS set:
1x servo frame 1x control horn 1x ball bearing 11x hard plastic IDS control rods - length range 61mm to 81mm 5x spreader bars of various lengths (4.5 to 10mm) 2x servo mounting screws 4x steel bearing shafts (2 are replacement parts)
Sold individually. You need two for a pair of wings.
IDS for servos : MKS HV 6130This IDS (Integrated Drive System) is a complete servo mounting and integrated control system.Ideal for installation for flaps and ailerons on all-composite gliders.Quality assembly from Servorahmen, delivered with several control lengths for a rigid, tight, and perfect installation.In addition, the servo head is taken up by a bearing, allowing for force take-up of the control, backlash-free operation, and improved servo longevity.