Software and drive to download directly here: https: //futabausa.com/software-downloads/
Download and unzip the S-Link Software.
Download the CIU2 driver, then unzip the folder.
Then, plug the CIU 2 key into a USB port on your PC. The computer will attempt to install the driver automatically. Cancel the operation, then in the device manager, locate the uninstalled USB driver. Right click on this USB driver, and choose "update driver". Look for the "CDM 2.06.00" folder previously unzipped on your hard disk and launch the installation. Once the installation is finished, unplug the CIU2.
Then take a Y-cord and connect it to the CIU2. Connect a 4.8V or 6.0V battery on one side and the servo to be programmed on the other. Connect the CIU2 to a USB port on your PC. Then launch the PC-Link software and click on connect.