- -5%
The Strega comes out of the box with all kinds of details that have been finished for you, including a factory-painted fiberglass hood, painted air scoops, canopy and pilot, and much more. What's more, the Strega's sheet-metal airframe compares favorably with that of its full-size cousin. It retains the model's strict scale appearance, high flight performance and refined finish. The model is fully built and requires minimal assembly. The Strega is a formidable aircraft, very well built and great fun to fly.
- Paiement sécurisé
- Livraison 24/48h
- Paiement 3X
Technical data
- Wingspan: 1410mm (55.5 in)
- Length: 1278mm (50.3 in)
- Flying weight: 3300-3400 g
- Wing area: 38 dm2
- Wing loading: 86.8 g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca airfoils
- Landing gear type: Electric retractable and spring tail (included)
- Wing size: 80mm plastic (included)
- Radio: 6 channels minimum (not included)
- Servo: 7 servos: 2 ailerons; 2 flaps; 1 elevator; 1 rudder; 1 throttle (not included)
- Servo support: 16mm x 33.5 mm
- Propeller: adapted to your engine
- Engine: .46-.55 / 2-stroke or .52/4-stroke incandescent engine (not included)
- Motor: brushless outrunner 1000-1400 W, 480 KV (not included)
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Aircraft type: Civil scale
- Motor: RIMFIRE .46-.55 (not included)
- Lipo cell: 6 cells / 4000 - 5500mAh (not included)
- Esc: 50-80A (not included)
- Designed to be compatible with GP and EP flights
- Removable top cover allows easy replacement of the lipo battery and installation of the radio.
- The scale profile is enhanced by the lightweight fiberglass cowling.
- Electric landing gear with CNC metal suspension included.
- High-quality hardware included
- Span in meters : 1,41
- Type of aircraft kit : Kit to equip
- Material : Wood